Nicole Thomas
London, UK
Ultimately it is about the people that are left behind. What do they want? I'll be gone so it doesn't really matter. . . But if I do get a say so, I'd like to be mulched. I read about this in the wonderful book by Mary Roach, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.
So how does a girl get mulched? I would like my body flown to Jšnkšping, Sweden to the Promessa Foundation- http://www.promessafoundation.org (unless by the time I die, croak, kick the bucket, say the big sayonara, there is a closer facility that does this process).
My body will be treated with liquid nitrogen which will freeze dry me, transforming my body into organic, odorless, hygienic powder. Extensive use of embalming fluid is eliminated.
I'd then be placed in a biodegradable coffin and buried in a shallow grave, Maybe there are some trees or plants near by.
I hope sometime before this or after or both, there is a party where everyone that loves me gets really lashed and tells stories of me tripping, falling down and hurting myself. I hope they laugh a lot and maybe cry a little. I hope that I am missed but that they move on and think back on me fondly.