Britinee Sideri
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Goodbye to picking at my face.
Goodbye to self medicating.
Goodbye bulimia.
Goodbye deceit.
Goodbye late bills.
Goodbye cigarettes.
Goodbye drinking alone.
Goodbye messy bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/living room.....dirty dishes
Goodbye Sam.
Goodbye Melissa.
Goodbye envy.
Goodbye insecurity.
Goodbye anxiety.
Goodbye sleeping on the couch.
Goodbye stagnancy.
Goodbye to the 'friends' that are never there.
Goodbye over thinking everything.
Goodbye eating out all the time.
Goodbye critical voice that just wont shut up.
Goodbye procrastinating.
Goodbye old love.
Goodbye to wearing dirty clothes to work.
Goodbye three months of laundry.
Goodbye self hate.