TeddiLyn Welden
Newfield, New Jersey USA
The Dog Has Pooped Again - April 25,2007 - Southern New Jersey
The age challenged black spotted rotweiller has left yet another steamy brown present in grass that doesn't belong to his owner, reported an anonymous neighbor on the breezy spring day.
"That dog constantly poops in my yard."
The disgruntled neighbor pleaded with the owner to restrcict said animal to its own quarters, however these attempts have went unanswered. New land mines pop up everday causing a fowl odor and making it next to impossible to mow the lawn without stepping into a surprise.
A complaint has been filed with the local police department about the poop bandit, however no action has been taken.
It is rumored that the poop has mysteriously made its way on to the irresponsible dog owner's front steps.
Submitted to The Daily Journal, The Brigdeton News, and The Atlantic City Press