J. Tarin Towers
San Francisco, California USA
Email J. Tarin
Once I had seen creatures encased in Lucite I knew that is what I wanted: To have my body mounted in a very large desk that someone would work on. I would be like a paperweight only under the paper. I would be like a scorpion but more fierce and less ridiculous, or maybe you can switch that if you're into really intense ironic shudders, also known as "dorkiness."
When I discovered that famous Surrealist painter Salvador Dali had left similar instructions, I discarded the idea for about fifteen years. I didn't want to be seen as a copycat. I certainly didn't want to be a Dali copycat -- the very idea made me feel creepy, hypocritical, as though I were playing Monopoly with my family of stuffed animals and cheating somehow. Passing money from the Pirate Mouse's hand to mine.
I am doing no such thing. I am reinstating the idea of Me in Lucite. I have done no research and do not know if Mr. Dali was ultimately suspended in any sort of clear plasticine furniture.
I will also place a large and curly fake mustache upon my female yet virile face. I will enter into the cabinet of Lucite fully clothed and dressed as a courtier from the century of your choice, perhaps even from the China of your choice, as a courtier. Or maybe I will decide, in my suspension in death, to be remembered as Japanese. I shall be a Ninja courtesan. I shall be a Gaijin Samurai. I shall perhaps ride a tiny motorcycle and carry seven swords.
I have plenty of time to figure all of this out. Because it will be quite expensive, for the time being I am bequesting myself to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, to be received costumed and in Lucite.
Shall I die tomorrow, I shall declare my brother a famous comic artist, and he shall dress me according to the whims of history and my sister, who is pretty much into pirates like everyone else, which is fine.
Yours Truly,
J. Tarin Towers,
Who Shall Die A Paperweight and Be Reborn A Desk