Laura Lynn Hsieh
Oak Park, Illinois USA

"What Will Become of Me" (After Adrienne Piper)
When I die, I want all of my usable organs donated to individuals in need, including my eyes and retinae. Then, whatever is left of me should be cremated.
I want Paulie to make a nice, tall pinched or coiled clay thing for me- a big gourd or oblisk or bulbous object, like 18 inches tall, imperfect but graceful. Something in porcelain like this: or maybe these:
Then my ashes can be mixed into a Bone Ash glaze and fired onto the pots, in some variation of a green/chartreuse color. Christine can do this (Chrissy, see "High Calcium Semimatte 2" in Spearmint). Desmond, my sweet Desmond, can write a nice letter and convince my favorite gallery to take the object. The piece will then be a work of collaboration!
I want to be on this piece and have it donated to The Addison Gallery of American Art, because it is both where I am from and also where I want to be.
Then my family and friends can go there and see me in the museum followed by a big picnic on the Great Lawn with blankets. Everyone will eat ribs and play stick-ball!