"Make up a word and give it a definition"
Nibboes, Nibs, and Neebz
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
Email Nibboes
Make up a word and define it according to Miriam-Websters Dictionary! (Preferably words that have to do with love and other fuzzy things like that.)
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Main Entry: 1 nib·boes
Pronunciation: 'ni-bOs
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): nibs; neebz
Etymology: originally from the ancient Latin lovers Nibboes Cutus Maximus Small Paw and Nibboes Cutus Maximus Large Paw
1 a : a lover or spouse ("I love you, Nibboes."); also : BABY, HONEY, SWEETHEART, DARLING b : a loved one or family member ("Nibs likes ice-cream."); c: a cherished friend ("Neebz and I are seeing a movie.")