"Fill a forgotten or unseen space with a homemade "flower"."
Jenn Figg
Goleta, California USA

Notice the physical places that you pass everyday that have lost their luster and have been left to gather dust. These places can be a crack in the sidewalk, the edge of a parking lot, underneath a windowsill, just anyplace that is ignored. Go home and make a "flower" or "plant" from any materials you have lying around - glue, paper, string, anything. Return to that place and plant your creation. Document it with a photograph or a drawing, and write 1-2 sentences about why you chose that place for your creation.
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I like this spot in the lot because there is no walkway, and it is usually hidden by a parked car. There was already a piece of chewed gum adhered to the asphalt, so now a ribbon flower is there too.