Candice M.
Berkeley, California USA
I think Candice is spending her time being a full time student, going to class, studying, and reading. If there is anytime left remaining, I believe she is probably listening to music or emailing friends.
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What does Candice do with her time?.
This is a troublesome thought, I don't really know. It is especially scary because she is away from home and I am having a difficult time adjusting to that..
I know that she is serious about her education and is commited to doing well in her classes. I believe that her time is occupied with the following:.
1. Sleep
2. Socializing
3. Studying
4. TV/Movies
5. Classes
Hopefully not too much crazy stuff.
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Sean, my older brother:
I think that Candice spends her time studying and doing things with her friends. I think that when she has homework she studies and with the rest of her time she hangs out with her friends.