Learning To Love You More




Assignment #35
Ask your family to describe what you do.


Ask three family members to write a down a description of what it is they think you do with your time. Ask them to try to think about how you live your life and what are your main activities and interests. They could give a particular example of something you are doing, for example "at the moment Susie is building a car, and it is taking up most of her evenings and weekends....," but they should not focus on examples of things you have done in the past. Also you are not asking them to say what they think of what you are doing, but only to describe it in as much detail as they know. Don't let the members of your family compare notes (until the assignment is complete) and similarly try not to put words into their mouth or tell them what they should write. This can be of any length.
This assignment was given by Emma Hedditch
D O C U M E N T A T I O N >
Please indicate who these people are in relation to you.
- - - E X H I B I T I O N _ H I S T O R Y:
03 Mar 2003
University of Plymouth
Queens Street Auditorium
74 Queens Street
Exeter, UK
Reports were part of a presentation by Miranda July and Emma Hedditch

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