San Jose, California USA
Susan (Mom):
Anna spends her time working hard in school, making a lot of art, reading fashion magazines and exploring new cosmetic products, and not sleeping enough. I find it counterproductive because beauty sleep works better than any makeup or face cream. Anna also enjoys spending time with her friends, but because both her and her friends are usually busy with school, they spend a lot of time chatting on the internet. Somehow they also get their homework done at the same time. Anna used to read a lot of books when she was little, but I feel that the older she gets the less she reads outside of class except for magazines and the newspaper. I wish Anna can read more, and if not at least sleep more.
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Cindy (Aunt):
Anna used to spend a lot of time in the robotics team building robots with her classmates, but now she does art a lot more. Anna still goes to robotics competitions to watch and volunteer as a crew member, which I think is very nice. She usually does the PA system announcer job, and speaks into a microphone to tell the other teams important news. Anna likes to paint her nails and her artwork inside her room, sometimes she doesn't open the windows, her mother and I worry about the fumes but she seems to be okay.
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Envia (cousin):
My cousin Anna does a lot of really cool artwork. When I was 6 or 7 and Anna was maybe 14, I started taking drawing classes at the same studio as her, and she was in some class that was way more advanced than mine. People in my class always thought it was cool how we're cousins. I am going to an art magnet high school now, and one day I hope to attend an art college just like Anna. Anna likes to draw clothes a lot, when I was little she'd draw me little dolls with fancy dresses and I would color them in. Then she went through this period where she really likes to draw and paint bottles, like wine/soda/water/glass bottles. I don't see Anna very much anymore because she lives in California, but whenever she visits Taiwan we go shopping and take sticker photos together. Anna wants to do something related to fashion when she's older. I hope and I think she will be great because she has always been really talented as far as I can remember.