"Photograph an employee from an establishment you frequent at least twice a week."
Jared Siegel
Orlando, Florida USA

Photograph an employee from an establishment you frequent at least twice a week.
Your habit and routine are yours alone and the people that float in and out of it play a tiny part in your life. All these tiny parts are actually tiny parts of those peoples lives. By photographing them you enter deeper into their world by silently proving they are important enough for a "stranger" to document. Photographs are generally considered a personal ordeal, and this assignment can help break that tension.
Every submission must include the following: NAME (as you'd like it to appear on the website) and LOCATION(where you are from). Submissions missing these details will not be posted.
D O C U M E N T A T I O N >
Take a photograph of an employee from an establishment you frequent at least twice a week. The photograph must be taken in the place they work, or outside, depending on the line of work. The photograph doesn't have to be consensual due to variance in lines of work, but getting as close as possible to this person is preferred. The photograph must include a face and bust, but everything else is open. You may choose to write a short description about the person, if you do, please include why you chose this person and what they do to play a tiny part in your life weekly.