Ellie Rimar
Richmond, Virginia USA
Me: No, don't send me money, you weren't living here, so you shouldn't pay for it (how the hell am I gonna find $267?)
S: Well, I can pay for half of it, some of it might be a previous balance.
Me: Hang on, yeah, figure that out, cause I already paid for last month. Damn it, I thought we already had all this taken care of! (my voice is no longer anywhere near friendly)
S: I don't know!(now he's whining)Wait, no there's no previous balance, it's just for two months time.
Me: Well, when's it due?(I'm violently waving feather wandy about the room by now, my cat's just staring at me like, "you're kidding, right?")
S: ( He fumbles papers and the phone. I can hear him breathing) Um, on the 17th, I think?
Me: Okay, um, you do realise that's on Friday right? Like, five days from now. When did the bill come?
S: Look don't worry about...
Me: No! I'll pay it, whatever, don't send me money, I just want this done! I gotta go.