Montreal, Quebec CANADA
me: where were you?
s: I went to chesley's
me: with who?
s: with uh, martin and alex
me: why didn't you call me? You said you were going to call me. I was waiting up. i didn't do anything.
s: uh. I dunno. it just happened.
me: i said I wanted to go and i waited around for an hour after school!
s: are you really mad?
me: well, i told you I wanted to spend the night with you. I don't see why you couldn't have called.
s: well in the end I convinced alex to come, and then I had to meet up with martin...
me: oh, so it's because of alex...
s: no, it's not that...
me: did you not want me to go?
s: no!
me: well i don't understand how in 7 hours you didn't even think of calling me. (crying) I just really wanted to spend time with you, you knew that.
s: should I leave?
me: no!
s: this is pretty horrible. I don't even call you and then I come here to crash. that's pretty shitty, huh?
me: yeah, sorta.
s: should i leave?
me: no, i wanna talk about it.
s: so let's talk about it!