Suzanne K
Los Angeles, California USA
(55 fwy, 12:05 am, Saturday night. On the way home.)
(Me) You know, I'm still hungry, Robert. I just wanted a burger-
(Robert) Then WHY didn't you GET a burger? I said YES, Get a BURGER.
(Me) No you didn't! You rolled your eyes, and sighed, when I asked you "Can I have a burger?"
(Robert, raising voice) What? WHAT?! I did NOT roll my eyes! Oh, my God, you just...Unbelievable! You are so unbelieveable sometimes, you know? I said, I motioned, 'yes, get a burger'! What's so goddamn difficult about that? Wha...whu..(frustrated sputtering, voice raising even higher) Why do you think you even have to ask?!
(Me) Because I don't assume I just get a burger if you order one too! Its your money, you're the one paying, and I don't assume that!
(Robert) Then that's not my problem, OK? That's YOUR problem! I did NOT roll my eyes, that's YOUR bad memory! You should have just asked for a burger! Its not a big deal! GAH! Now I'm so upset, dammit, you are keeping me from eating my burger now!
(Me, shouting) Then shut your mouth and eat your burger!