Christine Huang
Berkeley, California USA
(Chrissy and Ryan are watching Animal Planet on television. Chrissy puts her head in Ryan's lap playfully, mocks a sniffing dog.)
Ryan (listless and annoyed, pushing her head away): Get out of there.
Chrissy (Immediately pissed off) GOD! Why have you been being so mean to me? All day, ever since you came to the computer lab to pick me up, you've been so crabby. Really, admit it, you HAVE.
Ryan (growing increasingly frustrated): What?!? What are you talking bout?? I have not been mad. I don't like it when you put your head there.
Chrissy: Well I let you do it.
R: No you don't.
C: Yes I do, and I never push your head away like that. That's so mean.
R (Trying to console C, putting his hand on her leg): Baby, it's just that I don't feel like you putting your head there right now.
C (Snappy, pushing his hand off and scooting farther away, deliberately): DON'T TOUCH ME. Get away.
R (angry again): Oh my god. We are not going to get in an argument over this right now. Look... (voice softens)...I'm sorry for pushing your head away.
C: (pouting): I'm still mad.
(Silent tv watching. Chrissy eventually stops being mad. Ryan never admits to being crabby all day. Animal Planet lightens the mood.