Mrrranda Tarrow
Ann Arbor, Michigan USA
My daughter Mrrranda is an artist and spends most of her waking life thinking about that waking life in terms of her art and most of her unwaking life in terms of her dream, or more likely, nightmare art. She lives and works in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the university dental school and plans daily for her future in places not Ann Arbor, but she also wishes that she could stay in Ann Arbor because she likes to walk to work and everywhere and to be with friends and to do many, many fun things in Ann Arbor and other places near Ann Arbor. She lives with her friend Freedom in a three story house I call the Plum House because it is painted in a plum like color. Her cat is Mr. Friendly and he is. Mrrranda tries to make the time to make her art which are dodgy wee beasties and very complicated and intricate illustrated and layered and boxed paper and wood pieces and bigger installations with marshmallow peeps and sculpture. She talks to her boyfriend Howard in New York pretty much every day and thinks a lot about being together in not Ann Arbor. Her Mom and me would like her to visit us a lot but we see her only about once a month because she is so busy with her job and her art and her occasional radio program. You see, what's not to love?!?!?
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Here's Mom:
Mrrranda is truly an artist and has always shown that talent not just because she has a BFA from U of M. For now she is living in Ann Arbor with a day job in administration at the university, but that really is just a job (even though she likes her co-workers). Her heart and soul is in her art and she is becoming more and more active in the art community there with exhibits at galleries and art shows. She is really good in ceramics and is continuing that love with more classes. So I guess you could say she is "throwing" herself into that medium again. She is contemplating going to grad shcool next year probably in the West and, while I will miss her horribly, I want the best for her. I love her style and can recognize her pieces even in a group exhibit. I sometime imagine her walking to work and in her mind she is planning her next piece as she goes along. She gets her ideas from everywhere around her but her interpretations are always uniquely Mrrranda and never fail to amaze me. (Wow! The things she does with peeps!) She is also a practical artist who is taking a class in grantwriting in order to fund more artwork of course!! After all she doesn't paint her fingernails, she has paint ON her fingernails.
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And here is my aunt Cindy:
Mrrranda drinks a lot of coffee, everyday.
She is an artist.
She works at the UM dental school.
It takes a certain kind of person to live, work & play in Ann Arbor -
she's that kind of person.
She loves cats and has one of her own named Mr. Friendly.
She likes to cook and bake.
She is usually online.
She has a ton of STUFF.
Her boyfriend Howard lives in New York...but maybe not for much longer.
She used to be a natural blonde (no dumb blonde jokes for her though).
I have a hard time calling her Miranda (or Mrrranda) instead of Mandy.
She likes Japanese anime, NO DISNEY for this girl.
She has/had a radio program.
She always has a most interesting Christmas wish list.
She lives in a large house that is owned by her friend Freedom.
I don't get to see or talk to her nearly enough.