Stephanie M. Lucas
Scottsdale, Arizona USA

Coyotes: Information for You.
I am staying at my mother's house for the summer, in Scottsdale, Arizona. I noticed a coyote loping along the street one night, and thought it might be helpful for folks to get some information about coyotes and how to co-habitate with them peacefully. There are so many people in this area from other parts of the country; sometimes, there is a misunderstanding about this animal. We have actually encroached on their land so much, they have been roaming the neighborhoods freely in search of food. They will do this as long as they are encouraged by residents' habits. For example, it's important to note that coyotes are typically very shy and rarely, rarely attack humans. They should never be pet or fed. And very importantly, cats should always be kept indoors where there are coyotes present.
It's an interesting dichotomy to observe-- keeping an animal "wild" in a very suburban environment.
I placed the sign off of a busy street in Scottsdale, on a sidewalk where a bike path, a sidewalk, and a golf course meet. There are many walkers and bikers who may happen upon it.