Cindy Stegeman
Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA
It is April 17, 2007. Taxes are due and a great day to reflect on US government. Some taxpayers may be happy, anticipating the refund check. The majority of the middle class American's are wondering why the noose is so tight.
My ideal government would have a flat tax, no loopholes or exceptions. No tax returns would be necessary. We would all be paying as we go. Eliminate the IRS - billions of dollars would be saved by removing this heavy tier of government. The middle class is overworked and exhausted. Why do I have to shoulder the healthy people collecting welfare and other goverment programs? God provided daily manna to his people but they had to go out every day and gather it. God provides worms for the birds but does not throw it down their throat. If we did not provide welfare, perhaps the immigration issues would be reduced. What would happen to our goverment if the middle class stopped working?