Paula Spurr
Three Hills, Alberta CANADA
Email Paula
In my perfect world, the government would operate like a loving family. Somebody would be in charge, because somebody has to be or nothing ever gets done....but the person in charge would be like my father was. He would love us, he would listen to our requests, consider them carefully, and then implement them if they were for the good of the whole. I realize a leader like this does not exist on this planet, but I wish he or she did.
I wish anarchy would work...not violent, chaotic anarchy, but people-responsible-for-their-own-actions-and-needs anarchy. It seems wheneverÊa person or groupÊis put in power over other people or groups, they soon become corrupt and self-seeking; my perfect government would truly care about the needs of the people. It would care about the needs of the planet. It wouldn't care about getting rich or powerful. And if my government sensed that it was getting too concerned with its own affairs rather than the affairs of its people, it would step down and let someone else take over.
I live in a dream world. It makes it hard to vote come election time.