Wilson Reniers
San Francisco, California USA
My ideal government would be focused on life. This means that any practice that caused the end of another's life, or inhibited that life, would be outlawed. Bullets would be illegal, as would any chemical manufacturing that had proven itself to be hazardous to human or ecological longevity. Capital punishment would be ended. Prisons would be green in their design, and generate both capital and energy for the society providing them. No lethal force would be used in implementing any law, however violence would not be illegal until it had turned lethal.
This government would merely be upholding the framework laid forth by our founding fathers. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of property, that is the primary focus of all of our government's early documents. This has been lost in the semantics behind freedom and liberty. They are not the same. There is no such thing as physical freedom, and the reckless pursuit of it has proved costly to the entire population of this world. This government, our government, would stand as an example to the world of nations, and would influence change without having to use force.