Tom Levine
The constitution will state that government's role is to encourage happiness, learning and humanity. If the people whose turn it is to be the government can not decide how to do this then a game is played - perhaps boules or Pictionary. The winning team is allowed to decide what to do, and the losers have to accept it gracefully. There are however, strict and immutable laws about advertising and any poster encouraging the purchase of something must be off-set by an equally large one encouraging an alternative, and free, way to be happier. The government has to make lots of its decisions after walking up mountains or sitting on a beach. No-one in the government is allowed to stay in the city too long. There are women and children in the government and if the minister making a decision can't explain why it is a good idea to a child they have to go away and do a picture of it, and think about if it really is a good idea. Each person in the government must look after a plant alongside their other duties. This serves to remind people of their environmental obligation.