Los Angeles, California USA
First of all, candidates for elected office would be selected by write-in ballots, no winnowing down to two undesireable candidates like the process we have now. I believe that the president should be drafted to office, because a consensus of Americans really believe in the person's ability and leadership qualities. This will probably result in individuals being called to office who don't really have such ambitions...all the better. And there may be some lapses whereas an unqualified individual gets pushed up, merely because they happen to be "the person of the hour" like Angelina Jolie, but this couldn't possibly be worse than what we have now and could possibly be a whole lot better.
Congress, being way too large, incompetent and self absorbed should be eliminated altogether. Instead, committees should be formed by having the chancellors and other directors from the best educational institutions in the country create a list of a hundred of the brightest experts in the following fields:
International Affairs
so we can elect our own cabinet members directly. These individuals will spend a year or so making the talk show rounds on Oprah, Bill O'Reilly, and others so we get to know them and possibly learn something about the pressing issues of our day. We should be able to count on a fair percentage of these folks to step up and serve in the interest of what is good for Americans, since they have no ulterior motive in being elected, they have been tapped to serve and should regard this as a distinguished honor.