Kevin James
Seattle, Washington USA
How my ideal government would function, is in a conflict free political system. The administration would be called the Problem-Free party and have the ability to prevent problems well in advance compared to the other parties. It would be a simplified administration with as little bureaucracy and that favored Low Taxation. Everything in the administration would be automatic through law. There would be an educational system that offers the opportunity to everyone regardless of race, gender, financial ability, sexual orientation etc... It would have a health care system for everyone, which would produce a disease-free society. It would have an invincible military to disallow the birth of an enemy that might want to topple it. An Economy that is self-sufficient, debt-free, and progressive and shares the wealth amongst its citizens, this in return would produce a stress free, law abiding citizenry. There would be no rich or poor just middle class citizens and this would produce a crime free society since everyone would be the same. There would be just as many people of color and women running it, as there are white males. Just to make sure that it stays strong. If this was a real government the U.S.A. would be a role model for other countries.