Oxfordshire, ENGLAND
I think an ideal government would be a government governed by robots. Humanity is already a lost cause. The faults in the simple mechanics of human nature do not allow us to act without considering personal gain. That is why I do not think my current government are making decisions by considering what will be at my best interest, or more importantly Britain's best interest. So I think, for now, until people can learn to be nicer to each other we should let robots run the government as they would evaluate the situation and give an unemotionally attached solution. They would evaluated the problem and make an informed decision as which solution is most effective for the majority of people. They could sort out the problems, then bam in I could come as prime minister and I could promote, for lack of a better word, "niceness." I would encourage people to share, smile and be happy. I would discourage, maybe even ban, smoking and drinking, which are the downfalls of society as a society addicted to nicotine and/or alcohol cannot be free when under the influence of such an addiction.