Hdel, New Jersey USA
IMAGINE there's no government or countries or laws, to paraphrase John Lennon, and the foremost education would be the education of the art, an understanding of the Truth which exists not in one religion but among them, wherein the one rule is the rule of the heart, and love, love, love, whereby all people following their hearts with all their souls, only goodness could come forth out from this Goodwill, and there would no longer be need for police and for regulations, but rather the pure Goodness of Humankind, the true Fraternity of The Human Race, would prevail, enlightenment would ensue, and eternity would welcome the transcendence of the human mind and spirit, and where, one may cynically ask, would this lovingkind governance of men and women begin, is this not impossible, so ask the skeptics, and the answer is LET IT BEGIN WITH US HERE IN THE COMMUNITY THAT IS THE INTERNET, amen.