A. Mike Forgette
Newington, Connecticut USA
The ideal government would consist of a panel of 50 people (one from each state) who have never made more than $75 thousand a year in their lives; people that feel for the poor and understand the concern of the rich. Their job would be to look at the long term effect our living has on our land and our socialogical future, and issue public hearings about issues and improvements, which the educated people would vote for or against. No one that hasn't taken or passed a class on U.S. Governement would be able to vote (since every American is required to take the class upon turning 18).
The government would be responsible for turning The U.S. into a self-sufficient country to eliminate the harm and threat we pose to other nations. However, we would have representatives attend the U.N. meetings to give our voice in the scheme of global decisions. We would help out other countries in the true, self-less nature of the word "help." There will never be a hidden agenda; our government will remain truthful and dignified, as was the original intent.