John Blanco
San Francisco, California USA
The Imaginary State of People.
The institution identified as a government, values the human capacity of ascertaining diverse expressions and criticisms. Two forces, the governments' imagination, and the imagination of a collective constituency, limit the function of governments. One elected government will participate in our collective contemporary world with mirrored respect of self and the self of others. Brilliance becomes a part of this relation specifically when the median stages are bridged between these two parallel Imaginaries. The larger requires brevity of a few to immerse in uncertainty and pervade the collective by sharing discoveries. The product of these relations varies depending upon the successful exchange of ideas. With responsibility to our greatest human needs; health, education, nutrition, shelter, and love, the governments' willful act to re-imagine how the collective defines its self, frees the relational paths not yet experienced.
John Blanco, October 30, 2006, San Francisco CA
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The Imaginary State of Artists.
The profession of Art values the human capacity of ascertaining diverse expressions and criticisms. Two forces, the ArtistsŐ imagination, and the imagination of a collective Other limit the practice of Art. One Artist chooses to participate in our collective contemporary world with mirrored respect of self and the self of others. Brilliance becomes a part of this relation specifically when the median stages are bridged between these two parallel Imaginaries. The larger requires brevity of a few to immerse in uncertainty and pervade the collective by sharing discoveries. The product of these relations varies depending upon the successful exchange of ideas. With responsibility to our greatest human needs; health, education, nutrition, and love, the ArtistsŐ willful act to re-imagine how the collective defines its self, frees the relational paths not yet experienced.
John Blanco, June 06, 2006