Gregory Symons
State College, Pennsylvania USA
Kitten With Birth Deformities Adopted and Loved October 9, 2006 -- Central Pennsylvania.
A 9 or 10 week old kitten was adopted by a 6 year old girl in the Happy Valley region of Central Pennsylvania, her father reported.
The girl, Alora (not her real name), a first grade student at a local quaker elementary school, was first introduced to the kitten at her friend Michelle's parent's farm house in rural Tyrone, PA, where Alora apparently "fell in love" with the misshapen feline. Alora listed the kitten's endearing character traits as "warm and soft", "so cute", "friendly" and "likes to play with my hair."
Smaller of a litter of two to a brown and black mottled domestic shorthair feral barn cat, the kitten was born with 2 apparent birth deformities: 2 right angle bends in her caudal vertebrae (tail) near her rear hip joints, and a 45 degree inward bend on both of her front forelegs. The kitten was examined at a local veternarian and pronounced "otherwise healthy" with "a strong heartbeat."
Alora and her father discussed interest in the possibility of adoption with Michelle's parents, who reluctantly gave consent, commenting on how much the family loved the kitten. Michelle's parents noted "We have 5 cats already" and the possible concern that the kitten's deformaties might make her "easy prey" for woodland carnivores such as foxes as having weighed strongly in their decision.
Upon arriving at her home with the kitten, transported in a plastic cat carrier bought at a local goodwill store, Alora commented "i love our kitty so much!".
Alora has yet to settle on a name for the kitten. Possible candidates for a name include "marmalade", "flower", "kitty" and "dial". Alora said that the final name, "dial", came to her in a dream, where she "saw a bright red kitty whose name was 'dial'".
Gregg Symons
February 23, 2006
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