Emily Holton
Toronto, Ontario CANADA
Sent to: The Tico Times, Now Magazine and The Hamilton Spectator
2006-11-03 Toronto, ON
Toronto artist says her health is stable and that she is in good spirits following a mild citric acid overdose.
Ms. Holton made the comments Friday morning in a statement to her friend Ms. Rebecca Silver Slayter. The two women were walking south together down Beverly Street at approximately 11:45am, on their way to lunch.
Holton also noted that Mr. Darren Yearsley, Holton's boyfriend of eight months and current inhabitant of the Alberta Avenue residence where the overdose occurred, has said too that he feels perfectly fine.
The incident took place on Thursday evening, when Holton claims to have consumed the better part of a "Carribean Sweet" pineapple. The subsequent "tongue burn" and bloat interrupted her sleep, ostensibly leaving her at loose ends.
Although there is no evidence that her worries were founded, Holton stated to Silver Slayter that sometimes, when she has too much time to think, she becomes overwhelmed. "He's just so gorgeous asleep," Holton explained. "And I don't know, suddenly I got scared. He says he loves me, but it hasn't even been a year. What if he changes his mind?"
The couple have stated their love to each other and plan to, one day, move into the same apartment or condo. Ms. Silver Slayter introduced Ms. Holton to Mr. Yearsley last winter, and has always been a firm believer that the two Ontario natives will "make it". "Oh, you two are forever," said Silver Slayter, close to their turn at Queen Street.
Ms. Holton then admitted that she woke up the 31 year old male that same night, and asked him to reassure her. "He said he wants to be with me, and that he's excited about the future. He said it's OK that I'm crazy and wake him up sometimes. I feel much better about the whole thing, and a little embarrassed. He was really tired."
Ms. Silver Slayter answered that she understands, and has had similar experiences with her Conrad.
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For additional information contact "Emily Holton" or visit "http://www.emilyholton.com"