Los Angeles, California USA
Advice to Kendra at Age Nineteen:
1. I know you think you are invincible. I know you think you are tough. And, you are tough. But maybe it's not such a good idea to treat your body as if it is unbreakable. You are not Bruce Willis in that movie. While it's true that right now you can subsist on a diet of diet coke, beer, M&Ms, meat lover's pizza and cheeseburgers, you shouldn't. Trust me, you shouldn't.
2. Smoking and drinking and partying hard are all fun activities. You should do them. In moderation. I know you don't believe you'll ever make it to your 30s but you will and you'll be a pretty cool chic. But, you'll have to be very careful with your health and your diet because of all the crap you loaded your body up with in your teens and twenties. So, do us a favor and lay off the preservatives and the stimulants.
3. He isn't worth it. Stop stressing and crying and get over him already. Don't drag it out for the next few years! You'll end up dumping him and falling in love with someone else anyway. Skip the drama and cut that boy loose, girl.