Houston, Texas USA

The phone call I wish I could have had...I was twelve when I tried to make this phone call but my best friend did not pick up. I was supposed to call sooner but did not get home in time. I will never know if I was sooner if it would have changed anything at all. To this day I still wonder if I could have saved him.
Me: Dialing...Ring...Ring...
Beau: Hello?
Me: Hey it's Rachel. Put the gun down. We can talk. What about going to Dairy Queen? Maybe walk the dog together? Please don't leave us. You have so much to live for. I will miss you. Your parents will be devastated. Don't make your little brother an only child. He loves you so much. This will make him bitter forever. We need you. I need you. Your dad is at Best Buy right now getting your Christmas presents. Life is hard but it is worth it. We can fight through this together. I will never recover if you do this. It will break me.
Beau: I'll walk over now. See you in 5. Click.