Kate R.
Denver, Colorado USA
Pick up phone...
ME: The thought of being without you makes me sort of nauseous.
YOU: It does?
ME: Yep. Not so nauseous that I'm actually going to throw up or stop eating or even cry. Just so much that I know I really, really like you.
YOU: You do?
ME: Yes.
YOU: And we're leaving...
ME: I know. That's why I've been thinking about how I'll feel without you.
YOU: Right. (You're incredible and I will miss you {this is a whisper})
ME: I would love you even though you're probably in love with someone else. If the time came for that. (Thank you. Me too)
YOU: Really? You're brave.
ME: Nah. It's just you.
YOU: -----
ME: I'd want you to love me back. Eventually.
YOU: I would.
ME: You're sure? You promise?
YOU: I'm very sure. Yes.
ME: Even though you are loud crazy and I am quiet crazy?
YOU: Especially because of that.
ME: So. We're still leaving.
YOU: We could stay? Or wait, at least?
ME: I think we have to leave.
YOU: Probably.
ME: There's later I hope?
YOU: Totally.
ME: Perfect.