Eric Symons
State College, Pennsylvania USA
You asked for this assignment for me to describe what to do with my body when I die. In thinking on this matter it reminded me of 'Stranger in a Strange Land' where he thinks his friends should eat him after he dies just like they do on Mars where he grew up. My fear of dying isn't about dying its about other people handling my body when I'm gone.
I don't want to be touched by human hands, no postmordum proding, poking or autopsy required; reguardless of the circumstances of my passing. No funeral, wake or public notice will be made for my death and my body will be dehydrated, ground into pelet sized particals and put in an old coffe can.
It would be nice if my remains could be spread thin over diverce areas over a significant period of time. Possibly over ten to twenty years or so, the members of my clan will take handfuls of my body on travel, through their daily lives and drop them like bread crumbs along the way. Its a wounder that you can be born with a heritage both physical and social, when you spend much of your life alone. I hate to be alone.