Joshua Siegal
Chicago, Illinois USA
After I die,
You may fry,
Or cry
My body.
You may pickle it in brine
Or cast it in the Rhine,
Or you may bale it up in twine,
My body.
I don't much care, long as something's there,
For my soul to touch a tender wisp to.
Cause I just don't know, before I go,
How long it takes to get to the blue.
So chop it apart,
Sautee the heart,
And leave it in my bachelor fridge to mold.
Or wrap it in white,
Give a late in the night
Roadside burial lonely and cold.
Yes after I die,
Be shy
To my body?
Just leave me a peace
Left after my lease
On life
Has expired
And I have been fired from
My body.