Kari Marboe
Oakland, California USA
When my body dies I would like to be cremated and then put into an ash glaze.
Ceramics is all about experimentation and I would like someone to be able to work with this type of ash and see what it does when fired onto a piece of sculpture. Being eternally memorialized is not my goal with this request. I just think it would be interesting for this process to continue (you may have seen it in the work of Emma Fenelon or Neil Richardson), allow it to let a ceramic artist experiment and to have a tangible object for those who enjoyed my company to visit. Hopefully the sculpture can be placed in a common area and be a reminder of the different death rituals of the world and ease some of our society's depression over the loss of a body. I do not believe anything will happen to us after death. I do not wish to ascend into another realm nor do I plan to live my life according to what that realm may hold or demand of me. Instead I would like to live here, have my body work until it does not, and remain on a vitrified piece of land for a while.