Przemek Mancewicz
Chicago, Illinois USA
The truth is that I am deadly afraid of death. If I could I would like to prevent it, but in an unlikely case that I do pass away I have a few wishes.
I would like my family and/or friends to sell all of my belongings and with the recovered money pay off any debts that I could possibly have at such a time. If there is enough left after that, I would like to get a try at a cryogenic chamber. I hear that the frozen head is quite affordable. If there is enough for the whole body then might as well do the entire thing. Any money left after that should be used for travel, party, or any other earthly pleasures. If there is not enough to freeze me than go ahead cremate me and party. If you only freeze the head then donate the body to science, why not? I always liked science. The reason for that is that I would like to be cremated, but only as a whole. Don t ask it s a personal thing. Oh yeah don t cry please.