Ryan K.
Buffalo, New York USA
I want to be cremated. No expensive coffin or gravestone for me. For two reasons I don't want to be buried. I don't like the idea of my body rotting away under the ground. And I don't like the idea that people will visit my grave and cry or talk to me. I would rather people do the things I liked to do when they need to think about me. Go for a walk with your favorite cup of coffee and talk to me. (just don't do out loud. people may think you're crazy.
For my funeral/wake I would like to think that people will celebrate my life. There will be tons of pictures there. Not just of me though. I want all the pictures to be of me with other people. In fact, bring a picture of us together. Prayer card specifics: I want Lord Tennysons "Crossing the Bar."
PS: If at all possible. Have me be as natural as possible at the wake. I don't want layers and layers of makeup. I would rather people not walk around me and say how good I look if I don't look good.