I want to be put in a simple wooden coffin, perhaps made of pine. Also please bury me near where most of my family live. I want to be buried with a cross or a bible, and a photograph of my family. Also i should be wearing a nice sundress. When i am buried, please plant flowers near my grave so they will grow and stay fresh instead of comming to put flowers there that will die.
I want a funneral in a church and i want everyone there. If my sisters would please sing a song that makes people smile, that would be great. Please read something from the bible that will reach my friends who don't usually go to church. Maybe they will see that it's all true.
When i am buried, come and visit me sometimes with friends. Maybe bring a thermos of tea & a photo album of stuff you did since I died so you can show me, and each other the stuff you've been up to.