Melody Claussen
Sacramento, California USA
Email Melody
I want to die at home and I want my children next to me so they aren't plagued with anxiety and nightmares about death. I want them to look into eyes and realize that even though they are there and that makes me feel more at ease, that I'm still alone. Once they face the fear of being truly alone, death will seem like nothing to them. They will live life to its fullest.
My ideal death, as cliché as it sounds, would be with my husband. I'd like to will it when we're really old and have lost our minds like they did in the The Notebook. Sounds peaceful enough, dying in your sleep. I'd like to have my unneeded parts passed on to someone who has a void and then I'd like to be cremated. My husband would turn to ash, too, and our ashes would merge together. Our children will journey together to the place where we got married so that we may become food for the fish. The sound of crashing waves will be our soundtrack.