San Francisco, California USA
When I die, I would like the San Francisco Symphony to be rented as the venue for a one-time engagement blow-out dance party. Tickets should be auctioned off and proceeds go to the neediest and worthiest cause, as determined by a vote. I expect all the latest technological advances in the field of reanimation to be put to use in fueling my lifeless body with enough energy for one last disco dance. Money is no issue. Failing this, puppet strings may be attached to my limbs and manipulated in such a way that the body boogies, however it should be taken into consideration that the onset time of rigor mortis can range from 10 minutes to several hours.
After the gala, my corpse should be shot from the barrel of a cannon. To emphasize, it is my whole corpse I want airborne, not just some ashes.
Finally, I would like to be cremated and to have the ashes scattered atop Mount Everest by the doctor who was unable to save my life.