"Operate a Pedestrian Taxi Service from a Cardboard Box."
Matt Thompson
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA
Construct a small vehicle capable of transporting you and passenger(s) using cardboard and assorted found materials. Set up shop on a busy street corner and offer free rides to nearby pedestrians. Add a sense of luxury to someone's day by offering the satisfaction and comfort of a foot-powered ride in your makeshift cab.
Documentation: As a class project created for Park(ing) Day 2008 (http://www.parkingday.org/), Sean Derry's Fall 2008 section of Concept Studio III at Carnegie Mellon University came together to create "Corrugated Cab". On Park(ing) Day, we stood at the busiest intersection on campus, offering rides to students, workers, and random passerby's. We drove a few dozen people all over the Oakland area, meeting a bunch of awesome people and hearing some pretty incredible stories.
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Photos can be found online via Flickr at: http://flickr.com/photos/matttthompson/sets/72157610789497289/
Video can be found online via Vimeo at: http://vimeo.com/2454340
Location: Carnegie Mellon University
- Instructor: Sean Derry
- Photos and Video: Mattt Thompson
- Students: Jennifer Hwang, Dana Lok, Haydee Naula, Jiho Park, Mattt Thompson, Adrienne Wilson, Katie Zemel