Write your life story as if it took place in one day.
Baybury Smith
New York, New York USA
(This assignment came from misreading assignment #14 and wanting to submit what I had written.) But make it fantastic.
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I popped out onto the floor around 6 a.m. this morning. I hid in a tree for one hour. I took the train uptown for an important meeting with the judicial board at my school. They gave me a small fine and a slap on the bum. From half past 1 o clock to about 1:20 p.m., I tasted 27 different pieces of pie. They were all good, except for the 16th piece, because it was minced meat and I do not like minced meat. Some time was lost between the cake eating and 7 p.m. Perhaps I was sleeping, or perhaps I just cannot remember that far back in time. Anyway, around 7 o clock I remember catching lightning bugs with a little boy in diapers. He put his in a glass jar and shook them, and I ate mine. They tasted just like you d think bugs would taste. I watched my favorite movie twice in a row, but I won t tell you what movie it was. Now it is my bedtime, and I am sitting on a precipice that stands between me and the rest of my strife, I mean life.