"Make a Paint Collage with your gut in under 30 min."
Caroline Dijckmeester
1. STATE OF MIND: This piece of art has to be big bold and if needs be pretty bad.
-Paper: Take a big piece of paper. One so white and big you have no idea how you will fill it up.
-paintbrushes Brush: the biggest you have in the house.
-Paint: thick and gooey in honest primary colors making choice more limited and new colors fun to mix.
-Glue and scissors
-Newspapers, magazines or anything else that sticks easily
a. Fill up the blank piece of paper with bold brush strokes
b. Timing: Make sure you trick your head out of esthetics, pettiness and the use of a ruler by timing yourself in a pleasant way.
Ex. Use the length of your favorite music album, a pleasant timer ringtone on your mobile phone, or the deadline of a coffee date with a good friend planed beforehand..
4. After completion write down what surprised you in the outcome.
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Title: Make a fist!
Hilarious, I first battled with pre-conceived prettiness and design with small cutouts. The now lie somewhere under a wet coat of green paint. All the cutout clippings with interesting texts and beautiful Chinese prints are crumbled in the trashcan.
Tapping in into the glorious feeling of mucking about on paper I turned it green (yellow and blue mixed together), slowly adding cutouts. The funny thing is that the figure, cut out of newspapers, was something I often drew doodling during lengthy science lectures in highschool. I love big hands, always have but lately I had forgotten about how much I enjoy the chunky undelicate schunks of breadloaves like hands. I had forgotten about both and am happy to have them back!