Texas, USA
1. I sat in a beanbag chair in my dorm suitemates' room. I was stoned and eating Oreos and the crumbs were all over my shirt. A friend of theirs walked in and made fun of the crumbs. I told him he was a jerk, and I really didn't care. My suitemate was sitting on her bed and plucking hairs out of her leg with tweezers, which is something she always did when she was stoned and bored.
2. I saw that guy again on campus, and we chatted about our hometowns. I had heard his hometown's name on the weather reports when I was growing up, but I didn't know where it was.
3. One day, I was at that guy's apartment after spending the night. My room-mate called and said I should get back to the dorm because my mother kept calling. My room-mate was covering for me, by saying I was in the shower. When I finally called my mom, I found out my grandmother had died. At the funeral, my other grandmother was there and she hugged me and it made me cry to think someday she would die too. The grandmother who had died had picked out everything about her funeral in advance, and I remember her plot was close to one of those little mausoleum houses.
4. In the summer, when I was home, my dad was frustrated that I wasn't looking for a job. He got me a job at the grocery store where he worked, I was a checker in a brown and orange double knit polyester uniform. There was a seam sewn into the pants. Every time I emptied a shopping basket and pulled it past myself, the basket would snag the pants just about two inches above the knee, so eventually I had lots of little balls of polyester on the fabric over my thighs. They used to call me on my day off and ask me to come in. I always said no. One day, a manager of the cashiers pulled me over and said if I didn't start coming in when they called on my day off I would never get to be head checker when the manager of the checkers had her day off, and the assistant head of checkers was in charge that day, and was on her dinner break.
5. One day, at my boyfriends apartment, there was a bouquet of black roses, that some other girl had sent, and when I got upset he asked why I wasn't the type of girl who would send black roses.