Shana Bonstin
Los Angeles, California USA
1) The Los Angeles summer Olympics was boring for me, a 10 year old who wanted to watch soap operas while my mom was at work.
2) Van Halen's 'Hot For Teacher' Video made me have my first rock-n-roll crush on Eddie Val Halen when he walked down the reading tables in the Library.
3) Van Halen's 'Hot For Teacher' Video made me feel a little trashy but also ashamed because I didn't look like those ladies.
4) Although I requested from Santa a Barbie Corvette, I received a moped, and while hiding my disappointment I also tried to ignore my dad cussing about the Mervyn's store clerk leaving the price tag on the box, the one that Santa brought.
5) In late May, I went to Michelle Borja's birthday party; she subsequently became by best friend of childhood.