Choose an argument from Assignment #37 and act it out with a friend or relative. Memorize your lines and make it as real as possible. When you are ready, videotape the argument. This can be done with the camera on a tripod, or with a third person shooting. It should be shot as simply as possible. Make sure the voices of both people can be heard clearly. Do not shoot any titles or credits, only the argument itself.
D O C U M E N T A T I O N >
Send us a copy of your video. Make sure to label it with the name of the argument (for example: "Jill and Henry's Argument"), and include the names of the participants. The video should be no longer than one minute. If the total argument ends up being longer than a minute then choose the best minute of the argument and send this only, or indicate which part is to be used.
The following digital video formats are acceptable:
-Quicktime .mov file