Jenny Rosenfeld
Los Angeles, California USA
Email Jenny
Me: Hey, did you clean the litter box?
my husband: Yeah, I just did. Why?
Me: Because there isn't enough litter in there! That's why it smells!
him: It doesn't smell.
me: It does too smell. And the cats are starting to smell, too!
him: Don't say that.
me: Why?
him: It will hurt their feelings.
me: Oh my god.
him: (says nothing)
me: You have to put more litter in there!
him: You said that. I think there's plenty in there. I scrape the stuff off the bottom when I clean it.
me: But if there was enough litter in there, you wouldn't have to scrape it! God!
him: (nothing)
me: Do I have to monitor everything you do?????
him: (goes into bedroom and slams door)
me (to myself): Oh. Oops.