Natalie Lira
Urbana-Champaign, Illinois USA
I pick up the phone..
Danny: why would you take those pictures off of facebook?
Me: ....becuz I didn't want to have them up there anymore...
Danny: why? You just put them up yesterday
Me: (rolling my eyes) so!? Why does it matter?
Danny: because I wanna know why you would take them off.
Me: well I just didn't want them on face book any more.. Whats the big deal?!
Danny: well they're pictures of you and me.. Why wouldn't you want them on there... do you not want people to see you and me together.
Me: no! oh my god you're so crazy, I just took them off of face book, its not a big deal, its just face book.
Danny : well its weird
Me: I think your just weird.
Danny: whatever Natalie (hangs up)
Me: (rolls my eyes)