Durham, North Carolina USA
(My good friend Michael has recently discovered that it's fun to be rude to me and embarrass me in front of people I'm trying to make friends with, because he knows that sometime later we will have a conversation in which I tell him about how his behavior is unacceptable and/or his character is flawed. He fucking loves the criticism, and it's worth it to him even though he has to hurt my feelings in order to provoke the dialogue. I express my frustration to him at a party and he is true to form- insensitive, rude, and delighted that I'm confronting him. I storm home and immediately write to his away message:)
ryanseacrest1000: pretty much the only reason i call you is because i hope we'll run into those friends of yours. i'd tell you more, but i know you'll just get off on it, and i don't want any part in that.
(Later, I watch from my 2nd story window as Michael walks home from the party with a bunch of people, laughing and carrying on. I am excited and nervous knowing that this message is waiting for him. I receive this the next day:)
michaelpetruzzo: you are awesome
michaelpetruzzo: but don't call me anymore. cuz i dont need that in my life. and remember what you said.
michaelpetruzzo: and when i say don't call me anymore i mean u can call me as much as you want. just don't expect me to care.