Timothy Wu
San Francisco, California USA

I had this scar with me for nine years now. I want to talk about it because it was a stupid injury that cost me 23 stitches. It was one afternoon and the rain had just stopped. I was rushing home for God knows what reason. The road was still slippery from the rain and I was running fast. As I tried to turn at a corner, I slipped and tripped over a rubbish bin. Broken pieces of glass fell through it onto the ground and I landed my elbow right on them. There was a really long deep cut and two other small ones. So I was rushed to the hospital to get it stitched up. The most amazing thing that I experienced was that the cut was so deep that I say my own bone! Its reddish yellow and not white at all. So I got 23 stitches and there wasn't much pain. But it is definitely the biggest scar I got so far!